TSS Motorcycles Road Race Series

2021 saw our Winter based TSS Motorcycles Road Race Series converted to a Summer based series!  We’ve said goodbye to cold rainy dark race days and hello to warm dry sunny ones instead!

We’ve simplified the race format for 2024, incorporating the widest range of bike types and maximising track time for every competitor.  Please check the Class Regulations for all the details on race format, and to determine which championship ‘Cups’, and ‘Trophy Championships’  your bike(s) can be entered into.

If you’re not currently a Vic Club member please consider becoming one.  It will give you a discount on all Vic Club  events you enter in the next 12 months.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to all our sponsors, without whom our race series would not exist. Check them out and support them. Give them a call or better still go see them to explore what they can do for you. Just don’t forget to mention we sent you!

TSS Motorcycles

Kiwibike Insurance
Ozzy PerformanceRS Motorcycles
Broadway Accounting SolutionsRedpath Shelters
Twin Cam MotorcyclesIvan Jones Engineering
Precise PrintStudioCDesignMotoTT
Tim Gibbes TimingGeko Environmental